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Remembering Bob Huston By Kelly J. Bullis, CPA

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Bob was a great man! He loved his family very much. They were his pride and joy! He had pictures of them, especially his grandchildren in his office, talked about them often, and looked forward to spending time with each of them whenever possible.

We at Bullis and Company CPAs were an extended part of Bob’s “family.” We worked closely with him for many years. Bob came to our firm right about the time of 9-11.

Bob was a meticulous, hard-working, accurate, careful, kind, warm and friendly man. He was a joy to work with and we will all greatly miss him.

He completed his Bachelor’s in Business Management and Accounting and was getting ready to take the CPA exam. Now Bob is free from needing to take that exam. Instead, he is focusing on much more important things than computing “earnings per share”. We think Bob has found a unique way to get past that exam.

Bob and I shared a passion for backpacking. One time it turned out that we were actually backpacking with our kids in the same areas at the same time. We have each passed that love along to our children. It helps to have a good “guide” with you when you’re backpacking. Getting lost is usually not as much fun.

Bob’s faith in God and in Jesus Christ as his Savior has now led him to eternal life. His walkabout on this earth seems like it has been cut short, but from God’s perspective, it was just right. For Bob, he can say with the Psalmist in Psalm 48:14, “For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death.” God was Bob’s guide and now he is getting to be with Him, face to face.

If anybody asks that famous movie quote, “What about Bob? Where’s Bob?” we can all answer, he’s hanging out with God. We will greatly miss you Bob. Catch you on the flip side.

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